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  Reverting UI changes over the years (Cent 3.0.4 -> 5.0)
Posted by: DAOWAce - 03-19-2023, 05:52 AM - Forum: General Discuss - Replies (3)

So I've gotten really sick of having issues with using an old browser, so I tried to update to the latest, and unfortunately ran into even worse issues that make me want to just deal with the problems I currently have in 3.0.4.

I would greatly appreciate if anyone can chime in with knowledge about how to resolve these issues.

First off, the entire way the browser looks changed.  Theme was the same (reverted to default in v5), but it doesn't matter since all that changed was color.  Here's a comparison of old vs new:


There is so much useless garbage added and I don't see a way to remove all of it in options.  I instinctively tried to find a way to edit toolbars like in Firefox, but it seems like Chrome still does not have such a feature.  This is, by far, the most obnoxious change, especially the addition of the < > buttons for tab switching, as I keep clicking them instead of the + to open a new tab, which is WAY over to the right now.  In options there is a disable < > buttons, and 'avatar' (account) and sidebar, but I don't see options for the rest, nor a way to reduce the gigantic blank space.

The space this takes up is enormous and annoying, especially with the new tab design:

There's 3 less tabs visible, and the old tabs still took up slightly more space.  The old tabs also still have the visuals of being a tab instead of cut off with a | into no visual element. Overall, there's so much less workable space and it's visually worse.

Why did they change this?  It's similar to what Firefox does:


The 'new tab' page changed for the worse:

Gone are thumbnails for the sites, now it's just theme clashing (bright white) Android-like icons of the favicon.

[Image: 9ePUUuX.png]

[Image: tCnWZ1k.png]

There's also that search menu I don't know how to edit.  It doesn't respect the browser's search engine settings.

There's useless "QR Code" options in menus I can't find a way to disable, right in their own section too (+1 divider):

[Image: 4v5DSyy.png]

Everything changed to rounded corners instead of square (windows 11 garbage).

The font rendering is different (worse), despite disable-direct-write (and for-ui) still being enabled:

[Image: 1sdKHtb.png]
[Image: dbl71f3.png]

The font looks blurrier with more aberration.  The exact reason I ceased using other browsers and refused to update Cent due to the font rendering changes.

Comparing these images I see now the "trapezoid" tabs are gone, no wonder they look so much worse, with less visual identifiers between them.

Does anyone know of solutions to mitigate all of these listed issues?

There's probably a multitude of other issues I haven't seen yet from my quick overview, but I don't even want to continue testing it anymore.  I'll be seeing, once again, if an older version of Cent is more usable, but as there's been major bugs with directwrite in past versions, there may not be a suitable version with the old UI system.

If only Firefox didn't become obnoxious too, I would switch back after all these years..


Now to switch gears:  What is the point of Cent Browser, exactly?  The design philosophy and all that.

If it's just mirroring Chromium's changes but with some minor additions and the disable directwrite flag still there, I don't really see the point to developing it.  I'm not sure how many features I actually use that are Cent specific (last used Chrome in v51), but the DirectWrite thing is 100% the reason I switched.  But with builds like https://github.com/GTANAdam/GDIChromium, the need for this was largely gone.  If Vivaldi had a GDI-enabled build, that would have been my browser of choice years ago; there's significant customization, FAR more than Cent, but the font is awful, like all directwrite fonts, so I only use it as a "site not working in old cent" browser.

It would be nice if I was an adaptable human, as they're often depicted in science fiction media (notably games), but I'm not.  I can't stand change even a tiny bit, and it aggravates me to no end.  There's changes Microsoft made to Windows in Vista that still negatively impact my daily usage experience in 10 (nevermind the constant UI changes every major update ruining even more 25 year old workflows).   Companies just refuse to keep things the same, never consider going back or giving anyone an option, and people like me suffer the consequences without end.

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  Updating portable version
Posted by: Slake - 03-15-2023, 01:05 AM - Forum: General Discuss - Replies (1)

I have 100s of tabs open but I want to update the portable version, can I do this and still keep my tabs ? How do I do that if so ? Just click "check for update" or do I download the new version and put it in the directory ? Thanks.

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  IDM download request problem
Posted by: mixim - 03-12-2023, 08:30 PM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (1)

I was encountering a small but annoying bug.

[Image: UFQS6BJ.jpeg]

After providing all the settings, a strange bug occurred when the name or location of the CentBrowser folder was changed.

Every time I started CentBrowser, it was asking for an IDM download request from this URL.

See video for workaround.
1- Select Built-in for default downloader and wait a short while then close and open browser.
2- Now again select Internet Download Manager for the default downloader and wait a short while then close and reopen the browser. That's all

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  A Wikipedia Page Project
Posted by: Kleen - 03-10-2023, 02:23 PM - Forum: Chitchat - Replies (9)

As I stated in an earlier post I went looking and the only Wiki thingy I could find was this:


But folks have to make a living and are busy and it is not easy to get such things like a Wkipedia page project done and then keep it updated and all manner of necessary tasks.

Now I seem to remember I have an account at Wikipedia for being able to write and edit and I am not sure what else, and it has been a long time; but it isn't so hard to create an account there. (Well, I don't think it was. Not so sure about now.)

But I sure couldn't do this myself. I'm in my 70s for starters, so can be careless at times, I'm in a third round of chemotherapy and I have to take so much medicine and maybe could rotate off life's active at just about anytime.

So I figure I'd need help.

Something about this browser pleases me and I think that advert idea, as I think I wrote about in that other post, is a good way to help out. And the other community member who first made a note about a Wikipedia page is right, [ https://www.centbrowser.net/en/showthrea...2#pid15442 ] it is a necessity before the next step of going to some of those hotshot big wheels in this tech world and asking for some advert space.

Might there be anyone interested in helping out?

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Lightbulb Feature request - disable dark theme for incognito mode
Posted by: hisima2887 - 02-27-2023, 07:23 AM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (1)

Since Chromium v100 flag "#incognito-brand-consistency-for-desktop" was removed, so it is impossible to apply 3rd party theme to incognito mode - it is always dark. Can you please do something about it?

The best would be to have option "disable dark theme in incognito mode", so incognito looks the same as normal (including color of context menus).

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  Download button is the same of download bubble
Posted by: alexvis - 02-21-2023, 10:55 AM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (7)

Chromium engine has the flag "Enable download bubble" which adds to the browser UI a download button, exactly the same your option "Show download button" does. Why don't you remove your built-in download button and let the option handle the flag? Huh

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  请求给收藏夹添加“添加到本文件夹”功能 并改善动画速度
Posted by: Pil0tXia - 02-10-2023, 04:28 PM - Forum: 中文论坛 - Replies (4)



[Image: 005007kowuzd01dv10occx.png]

与此同时,前者的“网页回收站”(最近关闭的标签页)菜单的显示动画非常的快,同样也是只要鼠标点一次。而Cent Browser的这个按钮,鼠标点上去按住之后要等半秒钟才能加载出来,动画渐入渐出速度也太慢了,希望能加快一下!跟360极速浏览器X一样就可以了


录屏链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1X15_KCNY3E0QQyB1Z8_cjQ 提取码:ieca


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  Password generator for new registrations
Posted by: 2249 - 02-10-2023, 03:49 PM - Forum: General Discuss - Replies (2)

Hello, friends.
I really like the browser because of its speed, stability.
And it has something that others don't have - the ability to multi-line bookmarks !!!
In my opinion, it is a very good idea to offer a password generator upon new registration on a site. This way both account passwords will be saved and they will be complicated and difficult.
Please consider integrating a password generator. Something like pCloudPass - https://www.pcloud.com/pass.html
Best regards !

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Lightbulb [Feature]: 请求添加“右键地址栏时复制标题和网址”功能
Posted by: Pil0tXia - 02-08-2023, 04:44 PM - Forum: 中文论坛 - Replies (4)


www 域名前缀过时了吗?你需要知道的一切 | Pil0tXia
[Image: 003502tbiz255dwhw9dt6r.png]

另外,请问两个论坛 https://www.centbrowser.net/zh-cn/ 和 https://www.centbrowser.net/en/ ,在哪个论坛提问比较好?

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  无法安装chrome的Speed Dial拓展,显示Invalid manifest
Posted by: vapeshop - 02-08-2023, 10:35 AM - Forum: 中文论坛 - Replies (1)

无法安装chrome的Speed Dial拓展,显示Invalid manifest


[Image: QbnGfAZ.png]

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