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发表于 2024-9-19 13:39:27
输入 create_rematch 以及$ 得到如下:
你根本沒在練吧? (元素):6846:21201FE:2210G7:11101DB:N:攻略提供者是 Lazey\nThis is based on the original 10.1 PTR tamer pets' stats/quality/etc. It might need adjustments on last-minute changes (potential nerfs).**Right now we have 4 different Power stats on pets for the 2nd Slot, the script includes them all, but for the written steps I'm just using the weakest 焦土 damage tick to decide if I can kill Swole before it dives. 熔火柯基犬's 熾熱吠叫 alone deals 315 damage, so you may wanna adjust that based on the Power of your second pet:315 + 56 (260P) = 371 (I'm using this in written steps)315 + 59 (276P) = 374315 + 61 (289P) = 376315 + 65 (305P) = 380\n\nWith your 烈酒元素 stick to these priorities until dead:\nPrio 1:: 泡泡\nPrio 2:: 擲桶\n\nBring in your 魔化烈焰 and stick to these priorities until dead:\nPrio 1:: 焦土\nPrio 2:: Enemy is Swole -> 焚燒\nPrio 3:: 火息術\n\n熔火柯基犬 comes in, stick to these priorities:\nPrio 1:: Enemy is Brul'dan -> 熾熱吠叫\nPrio 2:: Swole is Underwater -> 火焰小狗\nPrio 3:: Swole has >371HP** (>315HP without Scorched Earth), can't use Headbutt, Dive is available -> 火焰小狗\nPrio 4:: Scorched Earth is active, Swole is the enemy and not Underwater -> 震天吼 \nPrio 5:: Swole has >315HP and is not Underwater -> 震天吼\nPrio 6:: 熾熱吠叫\nPrio 7:: Pass turn when your pet got stunned (on your last pet that happens automatically)\n