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STABLE version --
Great a new test version. Thx very much...
(10-07-2020, 06:50 PM)user_99 Wrote: Great a new test version. Thx very much...

Hope it's not sarcasm? :-)
>In the new version, the function of scrolling the tabs with the mouse does not work correctly
Works for me. Scrolling wheel changes the tabs. Or i did not understand the problem.
>the Group tabs circle is not aligned correctly, also, when you give the group a name it cuts the name off and doesn't expand correctly
Same for me, workaround is to select standard chrome tab shape vs rectangular ones. Or to add spaces to group names. It was also like this in version 80.
Also when using Cent's PIP video popup window for tab from tab group upon closing popup tab is not returned to tab group.
Thanks for beta, i like it!
Show the tab menu when the mouse is in the distance, it does not work as it should, in previous versions of the browser, when I hovered the cursor on the left side of the screen, there were bets in the latest version, you need to move the cursor to the center of the screen on the left side when you hover up or down, it does not no reaction.
Reply working great here!

Haven't found a bug yet!
Thumbs Up 
Updated to
So far so good, not encounter a bug yet.
Good job and hardwork.  Smile  
Many thanks for the update. Until now is solid and no bugs.
great job.

the only visible change i see is the status bar appearing bottom left.
Reply - is the worst version of all that came before. There are a lot of bugs! Wherever possible. Read above.
Sent Cossacks! Don't write blatant nonsense! Don't mislead people! Let the developer fix all bugs!
(10-08-2020, 06:30 AM)cb-user Wrote: - is the worst version of all that came before. There are a lot of bugs! Wherever possible. Read above.
Sent Cossacks! Don't write blatant nonsense! Don't mislead people! Let the developer fix all bugs!

What kinda bugs are you running into exactly? I've been running the browser for several hours now and have yet to run into a single issue/bug.

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