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Video Auto Start Issue
Dear Cent Browser Developer,

Now, to prevent the automatic start of videos (on YouTube) in the Cent (v3.4.3.25, x64-portable), the following operation does not work:

"chrome://flags > Autoplay policy > Document user activation is required"

There was no such problem in earlier versions. If you correct this error in the next release, we are very happy.

Best regards,
I recommend you a nice script to the new youtube: Iridium
For the script to work, you need a Violentmonkey
Dear "jack",

Thank you so much for your reply.

I know that some extensions like "Disable (Stop) Autoplay", "Tampermonkey + script" solve the problem.

The reason for starting this thread is that such extensions were not needed in earlier Cent versions.

Have you tried changing this flag?
Dear Developer,

First of all, thank you very much for your reply.

If Google has not made any changes to YouTube's terms of use in the last few days, it's my mistake about the "autoplay policy" function. Because:

I checked the situation again before writing this message, and the result is as follows:

- If Chromium-based browsers (except Opera) have the "Document user activation is required" feature selected and a YouTube link in the search engine results is clicked, the video does not start automatically; a start button with arrow mark appears on the video screen;

- But if you click on a video link that appears in search results within the YouTube site, the video starts playing immediately. Choosing "Disable" for the "Optimize background video playback" feature you suggested above does not work either. And you need to use an auto start preventive extension (i.e. "Stop Autoplay for Youtube");

- However, there is no such problem in Firefox and its variants; If you now set the "media.autoplay.enabled" value to "false" in "about:config", the video will not start automatically even if you click on a link in the YouTube site.

As a result, I am not a fanatic YouTube visitor; moreover, the problem I'm describing is not so much important. By the way, I wish your success about developing the Cent browser will continue to increase.

Best regards,
Thank you, taba.
Dear Developer, I have seen the answer given to me by an incompetent person who trying to advertise a car rental company, but you erased this answer, because it was for advertising purposes. However, I would still like to give him(her) an answer, because if he(she) visit the forum again and read what I wrote, it will be very useful for him(her):

Hi "rentalcarsUAE12",

(I am aware that my English writing capacity is insufficient; thank you for your praise to me anyway)

I think you are an Arap's Muslim living in the United Arab Emirates; I am also a Muslim, but not an Arab. That's why I want to make an important recommendation to you:

* You know, petroleum is being extracted from underground reserves that formed in ancient times. And unfortunately, new petroleum can not be produced instead of consumed petroleum. So, after a while (in about 20 years according to calculations made by experts) the oil reserves in the world (especially in Arab countries) will be used and finished.

* This event will lead to a terrible catastrophe in the rich Arab countries which covered with deserts and have no income other than petroleum. Moreover, there are very rich only the Kings, Emirs and their relatives; however, the people are extremely poor. By the way the Kings and Emirs will escape to other countries where they have stored your oil money...

* Conclusion: As an Arab (if you are not a relative of an Emir in the UAE), do not deal with useless business like advertising a rental car company! Take action against the Kingdoms and Emirs as soon as possible and start fighting for a democratic government!..

I hope you will try to be a smarter Arab from now on... I wish you success...

In the above 5th post, I wrote "... it's my mistake ..."; whereas, I was not mistaken; there are some production errors in the beta version.  Because:

* I was using the beta version when I wrote the first post above to report the auto-start issue of videos; right after that I removed the beta version to get rid of this issue, and returned to the old stable version (; but I forgot about this return I made.

* Therefore when I wrote 5th post above, I was using the stable version, not the beta; So, when I said "I checked the situation again ..." I did not realize that I checked the error-free stable version instead of the defective beta.

As a result, there is a video autostart issue in the new beta release as follows: Even if the "Document user activation required" feature is selected in the Cent Browser Beta, the video automatically starts when you click on a YouTube video link (that is not within the YouTube site).  In addition, the browser seems to have a slow speed.

However, there were no such problems in the stable version; therefore, these issues in the beta version needs to be fixed by the developer.


NOTE: I wrote this message using version of the Cent Browser.
Do you mean a Youtube video plays automatically in background tab, and it didn't in early versions?
I think it is normal behavior if it plays automatically in foreground tab.
Dear Developer,

Tab options are not important at all. Current, foreground or background tab.

I guess what I wrote is not easy to understand because my English is insufficient. Now, once again I will try to tell:

- Turn on the stable version ( of Cent Browser on your computer!
- Select the "chrome: // flags> Autoplay policy> Document user activation is required" feature!
- Now, copy any YouTube video link and right click on the browser's address bar and select "Paste and Go"!

Now, the YouTube video page in question will open on any tab, but the video will not start playing automatically, regardless the type of tab. This video will start playing only when you press the arrow-marked button on the screen.

If you repeat the same operations I have listed above with the new beta version ( or 38) of Cent Browser, the video will start playing automatically, regardless the "Autoplay policy" feature. That's all...


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