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Translate English into German
Thank you very much, it is really hard work. Heart
You're welcome Smile
Becouse of the database lost I did my changes again and updated some mistakes in post #20 in red Smile

Here the short version. Hope I found all Wink

Contents within [ ] is explanations, no need to translate.

Number of thumbnail rows:[how many rows are the most visited page thumbnails]
Anzahl der Reihen für Miniaturbilder:

Number of thumbnail columns:
Anzahl der Spalten für Miniaturbilder:

Open selected items[open multiple history entries at one time in chrome://history page]
Ausgewählte Elemente öffnen

Current browser version is 
Aktuelle Browser-Version ist [With a space at the end - Do not use)

Current flash version is 
Aktuelle Flash-Version ist [With a space at the end - Do not use)

Show icon only 
Nur Symbol anzeigen

Search other engines for 'flowers' 
Andere Suchmaschine für

Open homepage
Startseite öffnen

View history 
Verlauf anzeigen

Close current tab and activate the left one 
Aktiven Tab und aktiviere den linken Tab schließen

Close current tab and activate the right one 
Aktiven Tab schließen und den rechten Tab aktivieren

Close current tab and activate last visited 
Aktiven Tab schließen und den Tab mit der zuletzt angesehenen Webseite aktivieren

Close current tab and activate opener tab 
Aktiven Tab schließen und einen neuen Tab aktivieren

Show mouse gesture trace 
Mausgestenspur anzeigen

And a new missing string found in latest version:

Show default search engines only in context menu
Nur Standardsuchmaschinen im Kontextmenü anzeigen
No, you don't need to post it again, because we already applied your changes before May 4.
But thank you all the same.
Fine, but the strings in #23 are new one and should be updated. Please be so kind and use the changes.

Btw, the German version looks quite good. Wink
pixels from the left edge of browser window for xxx milliseconds.
Pixel vom linken Rand des Browserfensters für xxx Millisekunden.  [With a space after "für" before xxxx - Do not use]

New string:
Copy selected text to clipboard automatically
Ausgewählten Text automatisch in die Zwischenablage kopieren
(05-14-2017, 01:45 PM)user_99 Wrote: pixels from the left edge of browser window for xxx milliseconds.
Pixel vom linken Rand des Browserfensters für xxx Millisekunden.  [With a space after "für" before xxxx - Do not use]

New string:
Copy selected text to clipboard automatically
Ausgewählten Text automatisch in die Zwischenablage kopieren

Thanks, we have applied it.
There is another string:
Enable suggestions in the address bar[whether to completely disable the location bar suggestion list]
No problem. Thx for the update. German language looks really good.

Here the translation:

Enable suggestions in the address bar[whether to completely disable the location bar suggestion list]
Vorschläge in der Adressleiste anzeigen aktivieren
(05-15-2017, 05:47 PM)user_99 Wrote: No problem. Thx for the update. German language looks really good.

Here the translation:

Enable suggestions in the address bar[whether to completely disable the location bar suggestion list]
Vorschläge in der Adressleiste anzeigen aktivieren

Thanks again.
Some small fixes in latest version:

Old String: Speichern nach
New string: Speicherort

Old String: Öffne
New string: Öffnen

Thx  Smile

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