Command bookmark is more perfect now. There is no flickering CMD window any more.And You can use multiple commands in a single bookmark. For example:
cmd:cmd.exe /k ping & start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Fiddler2\Fiddler.exe" & start "" calc
This will bring up three application. start "" means to run multiple tasks parallelly, thus not wait for previous command to complete.
An notable change is the newly added shortcuts(Alt+B for showing bookmarks menu, Alt+C for copying URL of current tab, Alt+T for opening URL in clipboard)
Release log:
32-bit installer 32-bit portable
64-bit installer 64-bit portable
cmd:cmd.exe /k ping & start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Fiddler2\Fiddler.exe" & start "" calc
This will bring up three application. start "" means to run multiple tasks parallelly, thus not wait for previous command to complete.
An notable change is the newly added shortcuts(Alt+B for showing bookmarks menu, Alt+C for copying URL of current tab, Alt+T for opening URL in clipboard)
Release log:
32-bit installer 32-bit portable
64-bit installer 64-bit portable