(12-06-2024, 07:09 PM)filth Wrote: It looks like it's time to update your browser: at the moment it is no longer possible to log in to https://www.twitch.tv Here is what twitch responds to:Версия 5.0.1002.354 (Официальная сборка), (32 бит) (Portable) (Chromium 102.0.5005.167)
Changing the user agent does not help. (currently using user agent 131.0.6778.870)
just checked, even in this version everything works fine, flags are not enabled https://i.imgur.com/SBR3JxW.png
and with dll patches there were already problems with twitch
(12-07-2024, 12:45 PM)filth Wrote: If you do not redo the version, some extensions will not be installed, such as Enhancer for YouTube™use old extension
You don't use all the functions. What is there in the new versions that isn't in the old ones?