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Pop-up video screen can effectively kill session and tabs!!
I was watching some video in that pop-up browser screen. Probably video ended and i didn't notice while working in other tabs, one thing sure - i lost video pop-up from view, thinking i probably closed it. Some time later i ended my work, closed browser as usual, and here i see that video pop-up is still there! 
No questions/alerts while closing main window(like say FF alerts), no propositions to restore session on next start - it just killed my whole session with more than a hundred tabs over last few weeks of work!! I can presume, since Cent for some reason uses not really a pop-up, but a "transformation of whole tab with video into small hover screen", this leftover was considered by browser as an another normal window, resulting into killing my normal proper main without any restrictions.  

WHY?? Why there is no alerts, no protection of Main, no proper backup, no way to at least manually restore last tabs?(especially since such an un-safe "workaround transformation" used instead of a proper pop-up) 
I managed to preserve session file before browser would gladly erase/overwrite that too on next run, but the tabs list was no where to be found.

So is there some secret way to restore that from session file? i tried to search over forum, the closest theme topic was not answered.
Does Cent really that un-safe, not being able to preserve most important data?!
just use "reopen latest closed tabs" will reopen all your "lost" tabs. Happened to me so much times I'm not able to count anymore, clicking this will do the job.


Centbrowser is hundred times MORE secure that any other browser, when it's about tabs. Before jumping your horse, search a little bit, be curious, keep cool...and try to click on the button  Sleepy
As badablek wrote, you can restore the tabs with restore button.
If you want to prevent the main window from being closed accidentally, you can enable this option:

And you can try Session Buddy or vapier's tabs backup, with them you will never lose your sessions.
(03-21-2024, 10:25 PM)badablek Wrote: just use "reopen latest closed tabs" will reopen all your "lost" tabs. Happened to me so much times I'm not able to count anymore, clicking this will do the job.

Centbrowser is hundred times MORE secure that any other browser, when it's about tabs. Before jumping your horse, search a little bit, be curious, keep cool...and try to click on the button  Sleepy

Oh, dear badablek, since it happened to you so many times, can you pretty please restore my session on your browser? No-no, it's not nonsense request, just like my browser overwrote old session files right on next run and gave me clear window with nothing to restore('cause i obviously had to restart browser to be able to write here), your browser has none of those files too - so it's really the best time to show how you can search.
Yet i'm sure you'll succeed, since you're not jumping your horse and obviously didn't take my message as mere "another silly user had couple windows opened and closed one", 'cause i specifically described that there was no actual second window, only that f**kn video pop-up.
Really looking forward to see how you can be cool and click on the button after browser restarts or inside a pop-up. Or maybe at least you can make hundred times more secure browser to read own old session file manually inserted somewhere, if that's even possible. Thank you.

(03-22-2024, 04:32 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: If you want to prevent the main window from being closed accidentally, you can enable this option:

And you can try Session Buddy or vapier's tabs backup, with them you will never lose your sessions.

, i don't know what "Warn me when closing window with multiple tabs" has to do with described situation, 'cause that option merely nags user every single browser close, no matter if there are other windows or pop-ups. Yet it definitely doesn't alert about Main being closed while there are still other windows opened. Like say an additional window silently opened by some pesky advertisement script, sent behind, and being found only after Main is already closed and gone for good.
Since you said nothing about mentioned huge threat of potential data lose or proper ways of restoration, i guess i can take it as silent acknowledgement that those won't be addressed, and users just need to keep in mind this insecurity, keep away from pop-up feature, and so to say "protect themselves" with constant third party back-ups. 
BTW, thank you for proposed spike extensions.
too bad you're actually NOT reading correctly and just make assumptions because you're angry and don't know how the browser works, obviously.
NEVER EVER I said you're dumb or anything else. But your rage is litteraly visible in your words. I tried to HELP YOU, actually, my answser was not intended to bash you, in any way.

SO, AGAIN : you can restore a lost session when you have closed your main browser window but a popup video was still there.
Happens to me yesterday, again. You don't want to listen to anybody ? You don't trust me ? that is your right...but writing angry words again will not magically restore your session.

demonstration > words :

What I did :

  1. close main window with a popup video still opened
  2. close popup video window
  3. restart centbrowser → it opens a blank main window AND the popup video window
  4. CLOSE popup window to only KEEP blank main window (*)
  5. click Restore ONCE → CB will reopen previous session in the main window
  6. CLOSE main window
  7. Done
  8. Next time you opens CB, you will be greated with your so important "non-lost" session  Dodgy

(*) : if you forget to close the popup window OR if you click more that once on the restore button (which will open a new session, without your tabs, everytime you click on it) AND you don't close the RESTORED session window AT THE END (so CB can understand this is the session you want to keep), it's not even a problem. Centbrowser always keeps track of sessions. Next time you will just have to click 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x the restore button, until it restores the one you want.

the only "lost" tab when restoring a session is the video popup tab...because you MUST CLOSE IT before doing anything.

you're welcome...
have a nice day !
Though i appreciated you trying to provide useful information, the one Not Reading (ignoring?) what i wrote since the very first post - is You. I said that Restore button was grayed-out/inactive for me, but you keep repeating this useless spell of instruction. So there was no need to "NEVER EVER" call smbd smth, it's clearly visible when one keeps insisting on own "recommendation" again and "SO, AGAIN", ignoring numerous responses that It Doesn't Work.!

I even spent the time to find myself why the button was inactive = apparently "Clear browsing data on exit" effects that. Now you can try to say "Dah, you turned off it yourself, of course Restore won't work!". Dah, as any user that cares about own web surfing privacy, for sure i have such options On for any browser i use. But that doesn't stop say Firefox from warning if the main window is being closed while there are sub-windows, and there is a possibility to lose main session.

Cent is positioned as an alternative to whole-spying Chrome, and most users pick it exactly for that difference. Kinda funny you say "hundred times MORE secure that any other browser" while proposing to compromise users safety, instead of just acknowledging that for pity Cent has a hole in safety belts for preserving main window.
The deal from the very beginning was not only about my lose of huge number of tabs (about restoring of which from a file, i didn't see a single word, so apparently it's impossible too), but about Cent having no warning safety-belts.
(05-13-2024, 06:23 PM)rey Wrote: Though i appreciated you trying to provide useful information, the one Not Reading (ignoring?) what i wrote since the very first post - is You. I said that Restore button was grayed-out/inactive for me, but you keep repeating this useless spell of instruction. So there was no need to "NEVER EVER" call smbd smth, it's clearly visible when one keeps insisting on own "recommendation" again and "SO, AGAIN", ignoring numerous responses that It Doesn't Work.!

I even spent the time to find myself why the button was inactive = apparently "Clear browsing data on exit" effects that. Now you can try to say "Dah, you turned off it yourself, of course Restore won't work!". Dah, as any user that cares about own web surfing privacy, for sure i have such options On for any browser i use. But that doesn't stop say Firefox from warning if the main window is being closed while there are sub-windows, and there is a possibility to lose main session.

Cent is positioned as an alternative to whole-spying Chrome, and most users pick it exactly for that difference. Kinda funny you say "hundred times MORE secure that any other browser" while proposing to compromise users safety, instead of just acknowledging that for pity Cent has a hole in safety belts for preserving main window.
The deal from the very beginning was not only about my lose of huge number of tabs (about restoring of which from a file, i didn't see a single word, so apparently it's impossible too), but about Cent having no warning safety-belts.
Have you enabled the option "Clear browsing data on exit"?
If you cleared history, tabs can't be restored.

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