11-07-2017, 05:50 PM
На этом сайте есть страница, посвященная Cent Browser. Обратите внимание на рейтинг полученный от сайта. Он составлен не только на основании оценки браузера, но и оценки сайта ему посвященного. Общая оценка 4 звезды, снижена из-за оформления сайта. Действительно главная страница не очень привлекательна, не продумана для первого знакомства с пользователем. Пользователи дают 4,5, что довольно хорошо. Желательно создать тему от разработчиков, чтобы пользователи могли бы высказать свои пожелания.
On this website there is a page devoted to Cent Browser. Pay attention to the rating received from the website. He is made not only on the basis of browser assessment, but also website assessment to him devoted. The general assessment 4 stars, is lowered because of registration of the website. Really the homepage isn't really attractive, isn't thought over for the first acquaintance to the user. Users give 4,5 that is quite good. It is desirable to create a subject from developers that users could state the wishes.
On this website there is a page devoted to Cent Browser. Pay attention to the rating received from the website. He is made not only on the basis of browser assessment, but also website assessment to him devoted. The general assessment 4 stars, is lowered because of registration of the website. Really the homepage isn't really attractive, isn't thought over for the first acquaintance to the user. Users give 4,5 that is quite good. It is desirable to create a subject from developers that users could state the wishes.