01-04-2017, 04:05 PM
(01-04-2017, 01:00 PM)badablek Wrote: Mute all browsers when boss key pressed
Rendre muet tous les navigateurs avec la touche 'Patron'
Remember position of video popup window[always show popuped video window at the same position]
Mémoriser la position de la barre d'outils vidéo
Most popular
Les plus populaires
Show most visited[show thumbnails of most visited websites in new tab page]
Afficher les sites les plus visités
Pinned tabs can only be closed by context menu
Ne permettre la fermeture d'un onglet épinglé que par le menu contextuel
Can be empty.
peut être vide.
Download again[re-download a task]
Télécharger à nouveau
Open popup window in tab[When the website wants to open a popup window, we open a new tab instead]
Ouvrir les popups dans un onglet
Ignore system DPI setting[Stick to 100% device scale, prevent UI zooming]
Ignorer les paramètres DPI du système
Happy new year too. Nice to see a new release soon.
ps : "Pinned tabs can only be closed by context menu" >>> thank you so much for your understanding. I can live with material design (it seems that google is pushing it hard even if it's a bad thing IMHO), but been able to close a pinned tab too easily was really not possible for me (protecting pinned tab is one of the most important thing of a browser, at least for me)
EDIT : I didn't saw this before, but translation for "Unpin tab" (context menu when right-clicking on a pinned tab) is really ugly, bad, and does not reflect at all the behavior of this functionnality.
Unpin tab (don't know if the string is exactly named like that...I did'nt find anything in this thread) should be translated in french by : "Détacher l'onglet" (instead of "Retirer l'onglet")
can you fix the translation please.
Thanks for your work. "Unpin tab" is translated by Chromium team, not by us, but we can change it to your translation.