(08-30-2016, 05:36 PM)badablek Wrote: I have also reported this (at multiples times ). Same problem for me, any EXE (msi, bat, js, etc.) file will ask for confirmation, even with all security options disabled, even on the latest version of CB.
one little example : http://www.clubic.com/lancer-le-telechar...inrar.html
My advanced parameters
If you can find a way to fully disable that (stupid) google "security", it would be wonderful ! Or at least, like rey asked, some glowing on the download bubble ?
ps : maybe a hint for this bug. EXE file are in fact downloaded, BUT, CB asks confirmation before it "releases/finishes" the file (changing statut from Downloading to Completed). File is already in the hard disk, but unavailable before confirmation. I'm not sure, but doesn't Google Chrome ask confirmation BEFORE starting downloading the file ?
No, not just before download start.There is also a virus check after download finished.
Whether to display the warning message depends on the scanning result of your default anti-virus service.
We will try to disable the warning completely in the next version.
In fact Windows Defender and UAC are built into the OS, so Chromium is doing too much work to the downloaded items.