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My Suggestions and Encountered Bugs (Chapter One & Two)
Dear the CentBrowser Developer,

Firstly, I'm sorry my bad English grammar.

Primarily, thank you very much for Cent Browser. I was using Chromium v51 recomplied by Henry++/Nik's (and sometimes Opera (39.0.2234) until discovering Cent Browser your introducting in comments of the page. Why I was using old version? Because the last version of Chromium was version 51 that supporting GDI font rendering thereby disabling DirectWrite.

Most of all I am glad to meet Cent Browser. Because of you added Disable DirectWrite (which it enable GDI font rendering) upon Chrome/Chromium's last stable version. Also, Cent B. includes many useful features. Many thanks. As far as I can, I tried inform about Cent Browser in these: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

I have been using since last month. I have some suggestions and encountered bugs. If you may consider this, I would be pleased.

My Suggestions (Chapter One):

* Much more powerful for portable support. I know, Cent B's have portable package bu I still use Henry++'s ChrLauncher. Because this launcher supports able to changing Chrome and User Data folder names. I use \BIN and \Profile folders. Cent's Chrome.exe needs main files inside of numbered folder as according to resource version. Also, Profile folder only "User Data". Of course, can be change switches. But making more easy in INI file of Launcher. Besides, Cent Browser always creates this keys and entries in the Registry, despite it working as portable-mode:

Also, -this is Chromium's "known" bug- Always creating %LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Crashpad folder. Can you disable Crashpad creating or provide creating inside of specific UserData/Profile folder. Because of our goal is completely portable build. Smile

* Can be bring back classic gray color (as background) context menu and scroll-bar. Opera implemented this.

* Can be add "Turn off the whole secuirty bar name in left-side of Localiation bar". For example:

* Can be add "Open pop-up window as new tab" feature. If you added the feature, I can remove this extension.

* Can be add a keyboard accelators for "Paste and Go / Search". I use Copy All URLs extension. This extension support paste and open URL (in clipboard) with ALT V (But it doesn't working normal texts can't search-engine). ALT C copies URLs of all tab to clipboard. Wonderful. I wonder, is Cent Browser can do all of these?

* A ability for "Show tip for playing video in popup window" ->  "Copy the video URL to clipboard"

* Can be "turn off 'Search other engines for' in context menu" and/or add support sorting as alphabetic or selecting, deleting, locked by user. I mean that is locking, "don't allow another any engines expect this-and-that engines". Because many site adding own engine strings, releated part of context menu is overflow.

* Can be "Select font rendering: GDI+ or DirectWrite" for Settings menu. I am not so sure about that. It cannot be useful for users.

* Even if this is "Won'tFixCry as marked by developers, can you fix it? "Although SpellCheck disabled, Again downloading the dictionary file".

My encountered bugs:

* The animation issue when tab closing. I captured this issue as a video. Can you watch out the last tab when closing tabs in the video?

* My using Internet Download Manager as Download Manager. But there one or tow issue IDM with Cent. First: Two existed IDM commands in Context Menu. Second: Doesn't working "Don't start downloading automatically from the following sites:" in IDM. For example in this site. After I click "Altyazıyı İndir" button, IDM step in although as excluded this domain and Cent displays that dialog box:
"Downloader error: 
Failed to launch Internet Download Manager, please check the installation or change default downloader."
Temporarily solution: Default Downloader of Cent needs change(Save-As or Built-in).

* While Bookmark Manager's folder icon color: light-brown, Bookmark bar's folder icon color: dark-gray. My option is light-brown. Can I do it?

* Last-minute bug: Cent can't copy selected text to clipboard. Strange. Why it trigged? (After a few minutes) I found why. The Cause: As background opened the error dialog box ("Downloader error: Failed to launch ..."). I'd forget close it. Smile

* Even If SmartRSS created for Opera add-on, it's possible can add Chrome/Chromium after renamed .NEX to .CRX. but Cent can't install thereby displays missing files.

That's all for now. If my mind came another suggestions and encountered Bugs, I can keep write here, if it is appropriate for you?

I hope, I could explain my suggestions and encountered bugs all details without bother you (and all readers). I'm sorry to take up your time.

Finally, again thank you very much your effort for Cent Browser. Especially GDI font rendering support. Also, other all features very useful. Google and Opera don't this but you did implemented. I admire very highly your effort. I hope, like me, many Windows users discovers CentBrowser and so, you keep going update/development enthusiasm without run out of steam.

Best regards...

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My Suggestions and Encountered Bugs (Chapter One & Two) - by pureocean - 08-28-2016, 12:15 PM

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