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Bug Report: Browser task manager preferences data lost/reset
Describe the bug
Some settings data in browser task manager is lost/reset after closing task manager/restarting browser.

To Reproduce

1. Open the browser's task manager (shortcut Shift + ESC)
2. Enable/Disable a column(s) you want to see: The columns will now be arranged IN ORDER WHEN ENABLED.
3. Adjust the size of the columns (depending on your preferences).
4. Close the browser's task manager or restart the browser
5. Reopen the browser's task manager: The columns will be sorted IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR IN THE COLUMN ENABLE/DISABLE OPTIONS LIST and the column widths will be reset (according to some rule).

Expected behavior
Column order and column width are kept as previously customized.
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Messages In This Thread
Bug Report: Browser task manager preferences data lost/reset - by tanquang - Yesterday, 10:10 AM

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