(11-15-2024, 04:55 PM)Admini Wrote: Thanks for the clarification.Well, we just add these sites manually, like bookmarks, they are just sites. But if you like popular ones, then leave "Популярные". And liked means "Понравившиеся". I don't think we need to add the word "Самые"(most) here, just "понравившиеся" is enough, but in Russian the word is big, we need something shorter. That's why I suggested just "Сайты" because it is short. You can also call it "Сохранённые" (saved), but it's also long, or "Избранное" (favorites), there is also a word "Лучшие"(best)
Using "Sites" to replace "Most popular" may be inappropriate.
Can you translate from "Most liked" instead?
ok, you don't need to change popular ones. If you want or other users want, you can replace to some variant