(08-02-2023, 08:47 AM)ckubepro Wrote:
Facebook is having display errors, missing 2 status bars on the side. Tried safe mode, reinstalled, didn't work with extension. Meanwhile, using the latest version of Chrome is still normal
Click phải ublock, tùy chọn, click bộ lọc của tôi, thêm 3 dòng này và lưu lại:
facebook.com##[role="navigation"], [role="complementary"]:style(min-height: calc(100vh - 56px) !important;)
facebook.com##[role="banner"] [role="navigation"]:style(min-height: inherit !important;)
facebook.com##:matches-path(/search) [role="region"] > div:style(min-height: calc(100vh - 56px) !important;)