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Explains for users of Cent
My thought(s) is/are that the OP's questions need not be repeated through the creation of a new thread, whether the member gave up and didn't return, or not.

I've been more than slightly wondering myself about the future of this project and have been doing some research and am not even sure what information should be placed in public about the origins of the project, and related matters.

I haven't used private communications with the admin here to ask for permission to post some information that is out in public sites, and have not had the time to properly use the search engine here to see if possibly some of this information was posted back when this platform was begun.

Obviously, one problem with maintaining a project such as this is funds, but an outright topic just on funding here would not be so polite, in my view. But it is always something that has to be kept in mind when addressing the question asked by the OP.

So then we get to that second question: "What else is needed?"

And I am not ignoring the question posed by the OP about something related to "truth" but that will unfold itself, if somebody starts to outline in a concrete manner what is in the future of this project? It should be noted in some of my earlier posts in this community I have sort of hinted about that question, if not being straight out blunt, but now I think I want to start getting serious about getting answers, and this thread seems the best place to continue with that.

Where can we expect to be headed with the Cent Browser? What sort of help is needed? Is there still the original enthusiasm within the group that started this project?

Let's bring all of these questions together into one coherent thread, if that is okay.

Of course, if I am on this Cent sailboat that has lost its sails and is just drifting on the vast ocean of the Internet, then all my questions have very little merit, correct?

BUT, if the original thinkers behind the beginnings of this Cent Browser project would actually like to someday afford the purchase of their own sailboat, then let's get to it.

On the other hand, if one source of information about the location of the headquarters of this project is correct, you'd probably want to buy an aircraft rather than a sailboat. I don't think there are too many docks for boats around that place. Am I stoking some curiosity? Please excuse me for trying to do just that.

Getting surrounded by spammers here reminds me of many years ago when I had to do a day-to-day running of an Online Community like this.

But I'm posting to save somebody some time, if they wish to give serious consideration to my previous post.

Here is a thread that deserves a look at:

Very concise show of the earliest days here. It is helpful in many ways, if you have any experience with what is termed microservices. We might even be able to state we head into platform management protocol with that thread, although some may feel that is quite a stretch. Was that last idea a baiting trick? Yes.
[ [ [ [ [ [ When you view that Milky Way avatar do you still feel important? ] ] ] ] ]

Messages In This Thread
Explains for users of Cent - by thermadir - 04-20-2022, 06:04 PM
RE: Explains for users of Cent - by Detektrius - 01-10-2023, 02:54 AM
RE: Explains for users of Cent - by QZMTCH - 01-10-2023, 10:01 AM
RE: Explains for users of Cent - by Kleen - 04-17-2023, 06:50 AM

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