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Please think about release method of browser from static file server.
1. Torrent client
Not OK for me, everyone do not use Torrent, and I don't think people would like to install a third software just to download the browser.

2. File-sharing sites
Not OK for me, each time I visit those sites, it's a pain: lot of ads, fake download buttons, and even sometimes you can only download a downloader made by them which spams you with tons of adwares.

3. Cloud-based services
OK for me, why not, depend of price.

4. VPS
No opinion, I don't know technically of it works Blush

These are just my personal opinions and do no reflect the Cent team (which I'm not part of Smile)

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RE: Please think about release method of browser from static file server. - by SpringsTS - 10-31-2018, 01:02 PM

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