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STABLE version -- 5.1.1130.128
Release log:

If some extensions require higher Chromium version, you can try finding an older version in Crx4Chrome or here for now.
Due to changes in data format, if you upgrade to this version and then revert to an older version, your saved passwords may not be visible. Therefore, it is recommended that you export your passwords in advance if you need to revert.

SHA256 values:
64-bit Installer: 82e6245740c7250af7465c551bede1907ec293e021bfd2956d032fa077e84929
64-bit Portable: ceb42b625b088c3de88ae49152b45278ed8baf2e17b4dd3317cd88b5d4bc1810
32-bit Installer: ecfc6b2dccd6fc39900950b27cb231f2299c9ce847a86cff77fe6a4424900b31
32-bit Portable: 436a418673d25b495c29c80dff1b231535205322ffa69e2c24680f5b0d5d43fa
Thank you so much)
Thank you very much, be healthy and happy.

The hash amounts do not match.
(04-16-2024, 03:40 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: Release log:

Due to changes in data format, if you upgrade to this version and then revert to an older version, your saved passwords may not be visible. Therefore, it is recommended that you export your passwords in advance if you need to revert.

SHA256 values:
64-bit Installer: 627df2399d2bceb3016efccb2b747775ab9b10063ca810f655bcf882f07ae8d0
64-bit Portable: 4472616210956537f441d970c5e7c72352852fcd47a2f5b36f2df2b921184150
32-bit Installer: eba0badfb41d557cfcd2e9438a469aa01aedcd7c4ec14546526b7190c02f6930
32-bit Portable: 1dfe10dc19369c808ea6cc3c784a6b207d80b991b7d4c5f5db4fe2df8f117538 What is this option and why is it needed?
Thanks for the best browser! I have an ordinary question.. Will the update arrive soon by air via the built-in tool in the browser or manually install the existing assembly?
Hello! How can I connect this version with the next extension?
(04-17-2024, 01:19 PM)ИнПроект Wrote: Привет! Как мне связать эту версию со следующим расширением?

Распаковать и заменить chrome.dll по пути \Cent Browser\5.1.1130.82\


Вместо Kernel Version: 118.0.5993.159
Будет отображаться: 123.0.6312.122
Других правок не вносилось.
(04-16-2024, 04:58 PM)Odes Wrote: Thank you very much, be healthy and happy.

The hash amounts do not match.
It was repackaged once, you can download again or just ignore this minor change.
(04-17-2024, 12:24 PM)FeNoZiPaM Wrote: Thanks for the best browser! I have an ordinary question.. Will the update arrive soon by air via the built-in tool in the browser or manually install the existing assembly?
Yes, The auto update will be triggered soon.
You can just wait for it.
(04-17-2024, 01:19 PM)InProject Wrote: Hello! How can I connect this version with the next extension?
You can install version 2.0.121

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