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STABLE version --
(09-13-2023, 04:03 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: Please check your extensions and try disabling hardware acceleration.
Аппаратное ускорение отключал, при зависании вылетает окно об ошибке хром. По расширениям-они у меня стоят годами, нового ничего не ставил.
(09-20-2023, 02:15 PM)Drevnee_Zlo Wrote: Аппаратное ускорение отключал, при зависании вылетает окно об ошибке хром. По расширениям-они у меня стоят годами, нового ничего не ставил.
Can you make a screenshot of the error message?
And have you tried it in the safe mode(a command in Alt+F menu)?
I know it's wrong to answer on a thread that hasn't updated in a while, but can you let me ask: is this version the last version that can use Flash?
(08-01-2024, 05:56 PM)prpjzz Wrote: I know it's wrong to answer on a thread that hasn't updated in a while, but can you let me ask: is this version the last version that can use Flash?
Yes, it is.
You can use this installer
(08-02-2024, 03:26 PM)Admini Wrote: Yes, it is.
You can use this installer

Are there advantages to use the Flash supporting Cent Browser compared to updated Cent Browser versions together with the Ruffle - Flash Emulator extension?
(08-19-2024, 05:00 PM)Sneisi Wrote: Are there advantages to use the Flash supporting Cent Browser compared to updated Cent Browser versions together with the Ruffle - Flash Emulator extension?
Currently native Flash plugin is still more perfect than Ruffle, because Ruffle does not support all Flash APIs yet(Especially for some Flash games), but you can use either as long as it suits your needs.

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