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Why "Kill Tab" kills all tabs with same domain?[Solved] - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Why "Kill Tab" kills all tabs with same domain?[Solved] (/showthread.php?tid=7477)

Why "Kill Tab" kills all tabs with same domain?[Solved] - rey - 07-01-2024

Settings > Tab Options > When middle-clicking on tab = Kill tab
Everywhere it's written in single quantity and user would expect only the clicked-one tab would be affected, so why when using this ability it kills all the tabs with same domain?

RE: Why "Kill Tab" kills all tabs with same domain? - Admini - 07-02-2024

Because all tabs with the same domain share the same process.
"Kill tab" is actually "Kill process".
If you don't want this, you can use "Unload tab".

RE: Why "Kill Tab" kills all tabs with same domain? - rey - 07-02-2024

I was probably blind, didn't notice it's right above and took "kill" as an only option. Thank you!