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Video grabber QoL enhancement. - Printable Version

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Video grabber QoL enhancement. - rey - 06-26-2024

Not sure since which exact version video grabber became internal and not based on some external site anymore, but this grabber is very useful.! The only 2 things lacking for it are QoL:
- animation-progress in taskbar (while download progresses)
- sound at the end of download (just like with ordinary downloads, can be tied to the same enabling sound option)
Can these please be added?

RE: Video grabber QoL enhancement. - Admini - 06-26-2024

Sound is easier to add.
But the download progress is not easy to handle, because for some streaming videos, the downloader does not know the total size.
In some cases you can use command bookmark to call yt-dlp directly. e.g.:
cmd://"d:\yt-dlp.exe" {URL}

RE: Video grabber QoL enhancement. - rey - 06-26-2024

At least sound would be already good.
Considering streaming videos: maybe progress can be shown only when it's possible (total size / number of parts is known), and no progress when information is unclear?

RE: Video grabber QoL enhancement. - Admini - 06-27-2024

OK, we will consider improving it.