CentBrowser Forum
Translate English into Korean - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Translate English into Korean (/showthread.php?tid=1665)

Translate English into Korean - Admini - 09-13-2017

Please help us translate these English strings into Korean.Thanks.
Red text is explanation, no need to translate.

Install Cent Browser


Create desktop shortcut

Add to taskbar[create icon on taskbar]

Set as default browser


Location:[file path]

Installer can't access this directory, please choose another one.

There is not enough space available on this partition, please choose another one.

Install for current user only[only install for current Windows account]

RE: Translate English into Korean - Sense - 09-13-2017

Install Cent Browser
센트 브라우저 설치


Create desktop shortcut
바탕화면에 바로가기 아이콘 만들기

Add to taskbar[create icon on taskbar]
작업 표시줄에 추가

Set as default browser
기본 브라우저로 설정


Location:[file path]

Installer can't access this directory, please choose another one.
설치 프로그램이 해당 경로에 대한 접근 권한이 없습니다. 다른 경로로 설정하세요.

There is not enough space available on this partition, please choose another one.
드라이브에 남은 공간이 부족합니다. 다른 드라이브로 설정하세요.

Install for current user only[only install for current Windows account]
현재 사용자 계정에 설치

RE: Translate English into Korean - Admini - 09-13-2017

Thanks very much.

RE: Translate English into Korean - Admini - 09-14-2017

(09-14-2017, 03:59 AM)swswc Wrote: 개발자님...

Options (옵션) 설정 부분도 한글화 해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

영어가 너무 많아서 설정하기가 어렵습니다.

정말 좋은 브라우저입니다.

There are many strings need translation meanwhile.
I will post it here later.

RE: Translate English into Korean - Admini - 09-15-2017

All strings are here, please take your time, thank you.
Red text is description, no need to translate.

New incognito tab

New multilogin tab

Save as PDF...

Save as image...

Tab options

Show restore closed tabs button

Show bookmarks button

Show add to bookmarks button[the star button at end of location bar]

Restore closed tabs

Restore Button[short name of "restore closed tabs button"]

Show and manage bookmarks[open chrome://bookmarks page]

Bookmarks Button

Setting Saved[changing settings successfully]

Setting Failed[changing settings failed]

Close tabs to the left[close all tabs at left side of current tab]

Close all tabs

Generate QR code

Reload all tabs

Close tab by double click

Open new tab after current tab[always show newly created tab at right side of current tab]

Open typed URL in[tab option for tabs opening from location bar]

Hide close button on tab

Minimum tab width(px):

Show indicator button for invisible tabs[the triangle buttons when tabs overflow tab bar]

Use custom URL[customize URL for new tab page]

Close tab by right click

Display bookmarks in multiple columns. Column width(px):

Display embedded bookmarks in new tab when bookmarks bar is hidden

Set bookmarks bar state

Always  show

Always  hide

Auto    hide

Show when mouse over address bar and hide when mouse over content area

Show bookmarks bar

Hide bookmarks bar

Auto hide bookmarks bar

Open bookmarks in[tab option for tabs opening from bookmarks bar]

Open home page in[tab option for tabs opening from home button]

Open hyperlink in[tab option for tabs opening from web page link]

Open search result in[tab option for tabs opening from new tab search box]

Open super drag in[tab option for tabs opening from super drag]

Current tab

New foreground tab

New background tab

Default disposition

Background tab for new tab

Does not force hyperlinks to be opened in new tab

Clear the list

Enable super drag

Enable mouse gesture

Show mouse gesture trace

line weight

line color


Show mouse gesture tip

Action definition[mouse gesture action definition]

Switch tabs by scrolling with the mouse wheel in the tab bar

Auto update

Enable auto update of Cent Browser

Enable auto update of bundled Flash Player

No tip


Page Up

Page Down

Activate the previous tab

Activate the next tab

Navigate back

Navigate forward

Restore closed tab

Duplicate current tab

Close current tab

Close current tab and activate the left one

Close current tab and activate the right one

Close current tab and activate last visited

Close current tab and activate parent tab

Close all tabs

Close all tabs but this

Close tabs to left

Close tabs to right

Close tabs opened by this tab


Reload all tabs

Stop loading current page

New tab

Open homepage

Go to page top

Go to page bottom

View page source

Toggle full screen



Bookmark the current page

Activate the first tab

Activate the last tab

Close browser

Manage extensions

View history

View downloads

Manage networks

Zoom in

Zoom out

Zoom reset

Show/Hide bookmark bar

Open bookmark manager

Open options[open chrome://settings page]

New window

New incognito window

Simulate Left key[simulate a keyboard event]

Simulate Right key[simulate a keyboard event]

User data directory

Use custom user data directory

Cache directory

Use custom cache directory

Boss key

Enable boss key

Memory optimization

Use single renderer process

Purge memory at intervals of(minutes): 

Warn me when closing window with multiple tabs

You are about to close 3 tabs.Are you sure you want to continue?

Confirm close


Imported from Chrome[the folder name when importing bookmarks from Chrome]

Do not show again

Would you like to set xxx.com as your homepage?


Under the hood[translate as "advanced"]

Mouse Gesture

Other settings

Official website

Search other engines for "Flower"[context menu item]

Action after closing current tab

Auto select

Activate left tab

Activate right tab

Activate last visited tab

Activate parent tab

When closing the last tab

Close browser window

Close browser window if the last tab is new tab

Keep browser window open and insert a new tab

When middle clicking on the tab bar

Do nothing

Restore the last closed tab

Pin/Unpin current tab

Copy URL of current tab

Open frame in new tab

Open frame in new window

Clear browsing data on exit

Disable  WebRTC

Prevent my local IP addresses from leaking by WebRTC

Disable HTML5 canvas fingerprinting

Disable HTML5 AudioContext

Disable access of battery status[prevent javascript from reading battery status]

Disable screenshots by extension API[prevent extensions from taking screenshot]


Enable lazy session loading[load tabs only if they are selected]

Delete from disk

Copy URL

Replace with current URL

Location bar

maximum number of address bar auto suggestion items


Use autoscrolling[press mouse wheel and move, another name is "pan scroll"]

Show fullscreen warning

Activate tab after mouse hovered for 20 milliseconds.

Show bookmarks when mouse hovered within 20 pixels from the left edge of browser window for 30 milliseconds..

Open IE

Open this page with IE

Skip warning about certificate error

Show when mouse over location bar

Show when mouse over toolbar

Hold down right button and click left button

Hold down right button and click middle button

Hold down right button and wheel up

Hold down right button and wheel down

Enable always on top

Disable always on top

Show avatar button

Show skin button

Tab shape:

Shortcut keys

Reset current

Reset all

Allow to run outdated plugins

Add page to this folder[add URL of current tab to bookmarks folder]

Show tip for playing video in popup window[show the video popup toolbar]

Restart browser

Use custom background color for web pages

Switch to last visited tab

Play this video in a popup window

Enlarge this video to entire web page area

Download this video with online tools

Navigate to settings page

Close the tip window for current tab

Custom stylesheet[custom.css in User Data directory]

Load custom stylesheet

Select cache data directory

Select custom stylesheet file

Select default directory for fast save image

Fast save image

Enable fast save image(Alt+LeftClick for saving to default location, Alt+RightClick for selecting default location)


Simulate Boss Key

You don't have permission to write in this directory.

Save and Open

Clear used directories

File link:

File name:

Save to:

Download with EnagleGet

Download all links with EagleGet

Default downloader:


Save as

Downloader error

Failed to launch EagleGet, please check the installation or change default downloader.

Use single extension process[let all extensions ahre the same directory]

Suggestions and Feedback

Add as search engine...

Show default search engines only in context menu

New tab page

Show search box

Number of thumbnail rows:

Number of thumbnail columns:

Image saved

Open directory

Use web page title as image name

Startup command line:

Enable/Disable always on top

Developer tools

New tab button image:

New tab position

Next to current tab

Next to current tab group

At end of all tabs

Super Drag

Show tip for super drag

Open/Search in new foreground tab

Open/Search in new background tab

Add this link to bookmarks

Download this link

Change search settings

Show search bar[show a separate search box at right of location bar]

Enable IE core

Auto switch to IE core by domain

Domain list for IE core

Switch to IE core

Switch to Chrome core

Show download button

Stop and mark as finished[stop downloading a file]

Show QR button in location bar

Currently opened tabs[currently opened tab list]

Add new dial[dial means the thumbnail item in Most Popular page]

Edit this dial

Pin this dial

Unpin this dial

Remove this dial

Reset this dial

Reset all dials

Reload thumbnail

Confirm reseting dial

Are you sure to reset this dial to xxx.com?

Are you sure to reset all dials?



Image URL:

Open the selected items

Remember last used folder

Show only icons on bookmarks bar

Save page as image

Copy title and URL of current tab

Copy link text

Copy text and URL

Download list

Use temporary directory for "Save and Open" items

Enable accelerators[enable keyboard shortcuts]

Check for update

Use current user's credentials to encrypt passwords and cookies

On left side

On right side

On both sides

Mute/Unmute current tab

Add new download[add a new downloading task]

Disable this extension

Open URL in clipboard

Show mute toggle button

Set as new tab page

Mute/Unmute all browsers

Confirm setting new tab

Are you sure to change new tab page to:

Toggle browser mute state

Use tab list menu to manage tabs[the tip message for the black triangle button]

Left click to select tab.

Middle click to unload tab.

Right click to close tab.

Show tab list menu

Show tab list

Save page as PDF

Mute all browsers when boss key pressed

Remember position of video popup window

Most popular

Show most popular

Show most visited

Pinned tabs can only be closed by context menu

Can be empty.

Download again

Open popup window in tab

Ignore system DPI setting

Prompt me when current website needs IE

This website needs IE

Add to IE domain list

Remove from IE domain list

Show bookmarks menu

Paste on middle click

Video recording

Default directory for video recording:

Start recording video

Pause recording video

Stop recording video

Continue recording after video autoplay

Select default directory for video recording

Use background image[use background image for nw tab]



View certificate

Path not exist

Run flash player in sandbox

Alert when download complete[play sound when downloading task finished]

Enable suggestions in the address bar

Copy selected text to clipboard automatically

Show screenshot button

Left click to capture normally.

Right click to hide the browser window and capture.

Open default startup page[open default URL when the browser launches]

Show tab bar at the bottom of browser window

Start finding selected text

Show tip after auto update completed

Upgraded to[notify users which version has been upgraded to]

Open link in new multilogin tab

Open in new multilogin tab

Search for logo

Go to previous page[used when browsing forum posts]

Go to next page[used when browsing forum posts]

RE: Translate English into Korean - Megaton_Kor - 10-02-2017

(09-15-2017, 06:04 PM)CentBrowser Wrote: All strings are here, please take your time, thank you.
Red text is description, no need to translate.

New incognito tab

New multilogin tab

PDF로 저장...

이미지로 저장...

탭 옵션

닫은 탭 복구 버튼 표시

북마크 버튼 표시

북마크 추가 버튼 표시[the star button at end of location bar]

닫은 탭 복구

복구 버튼[short name of "restore closed tabs button"]

북마크 관리자[open chrome://bookmarks page]

북마크 버튼

설정 저장됨[changing settings successfully]

설정 저장 실패[changing settings failed]

왼쪽탭 닫기[close all tabs at left side of current tab]

모든탭 닫기

QR 코드 생성

모든 탭 새로고침

더블클릭으로 탭 닫기

Open new tab after current tab[always show newly created tab at right side of current tab]

Open typed URL in[tab option for tabs opening from location bar]

탭에 있는 닫기버튼 감추기

최소 탭 넓이(px):

Show indicator button for invisible tabs[the triangle buttons when tabs overflow tab bar]

사용자 지정 웹페이지[customize URL for new tab page]

우클릭으로 탭 닫기

북마크바 목록 가로넓이(px):

Display embedded bookmarks in new tab when bookmarks bar is hidden

북마크바의 상태

항상 보이기

항상 숨기기

자동 숨기기

Show when mouse over address bar and hide when mouse over content area

북마크바 보이기

북마크바 숨기기

북마크마 자동숨기기

북마크 열기[tab option for tabs opening from bookmarks bar]

홈페이지 열기[tab option for tabs opening from home button]

하이퍼 링크 열기[tab option for tabs opening from web page link]

검색 결과 열기[tab option for tabs opening from new tab search box]

슈퍼 드래그로 열기[tab option for tabs opening from super drag]

현재 탭

새 전경 탭

새 배경 탭

배열 초기화

새 탭을 전경탭으로

하이퍼링크를 강제로 새 탭으로 여는것을 금지

목록 지우기

슈퍼드래그 활성화

마우스제스쳐 활성화

마우스제스쳐 움직임 보기

선 두께

선 색깔


마우스제스쳐 작동명령 보기

동작 설정[mouse gesture action definition]

Switch tabs by scrolling with the mouse wheel in the tab bar

자동 업데이트

자동 업데이트 활성화

플래시 플레이어 자동 업데이트

No tip


페이지 위로

페이지 아래로

이전 탭 활성화

다음 탭 활성화



닫은 탭 복구

현재 탭 복제

현재 탭 닫기

현재 탭을 닫고 왼쪽 탭 활성화

현재 탭을 닫고 오른쪽 탭 활성화

현재 탭을 닫고 마지막 방문한 탭 활성화

현재 탭을 닫고 상위 탭 활성화

모든 탭 닫기

현재 탭을 제외한 모든 탭 닫기

왼쪽 탭 닫기

오른쪽 탭 닫기

이 탭으로 열린 탭 닫기


모든 탭 새로고침

현재 페이지 로딩 멈추기

새 탭

홈페이지 열기

페이지 최상단으로

페이지 최하단으로

페이지 소스보기

전체화면 보기



현재 페이지 즐겨찾기 추가

첫번째 탭 활성화

마지막 탭 활성화

브라우저 종료

확장 프로그램 관리

기록 보기

다운로드 보기

네트워크 관리



줌 초기화

표시하기/숨기기 북마크 바

북마크 관리자 열기

설정[open chrome://settings page]

새 창

New incognito window

Simulate Left key[simulate a keyboard event]

Simulate Right key[simulate a keyboard event]

사용자 데이터 경로

임의 사용자 데이터 경로

캐쉬 경로

사용자 임의지정 캐쉬경로

Boss key

Enable boss key

메모리 최적화

하나의 프로세스로만 처리하기

메모리 초기화(분단위): 

Warn me when closing window with multiple tabs

You are about to close 3 tabs.Are you sure you want to continue?

닫기 확인


크롬에서 가져오기[the folder name when importing bookmarks from Chrome]

다시 보지 않기

xxx.com 을 홈페이지로 설정하시겠습니까?


Under the hood[translate as "advanced"]

마우스 제스쳐

다른 설정들

공식 웹사이트

Search other engines for "Flower"[context menu item]

Action after closing current tab

자동 선택

왼쪽 탭 활성화

오른쪽 탭 활성화

마지막 방문탭 활성화

부모 탭 활성화

When closing the last tab

Close browser window

Close browser window if the last tab is new tab

Keep browser window open and insert a new tab

When middle clicking on the tab bar


마지막으로 닫은 탭 복구

Pin/Unpin current tab

현재 탭 주소 복사

새 탭에서 프레임 열기

새 창에서 프레임 열기

브라우저 종료시 데이터도 삭제

WebRTC 비활성화

Prevent my local IP addresses from leaking by WebRTC

Disable HTML5 canvas fingerprinting

Disable HTML5 AudioContext

Disable access of battery status[prevent javascript from reading battery status]

Disable screenshots by extension API[prevent extensions from taking screenshot]


Enable lazy session loading[load tabs only if they are selected]

Delete from disk

주소 복사

Replace with current URL

Location bar

maximum number of address bar auto suggestion items


자동스크롤 사용[press mouse wheel and move, another name is "pan scroll"]

Show fullscreen warning

Activate tab after mouse hovered for 20 milliseconds.

Show bookmarks when mouse hovered within 20 pixels from the left edge of browser window for 30 milliseconds..

IE로 열기

현재 페이지 IE로 열기

Skip warning about certificate error

Show when mouse over location bar

Show when mouse over toolbar

Hold down right button and click left button

Hold down right button and click middle button

Hold down right button and wheel up

Hold down right button and wheel down

항상 맨위로 켜기

항상 맨위로 끄기

아바타 버튼 표시

스킨 버튼 표시

탭 모양:



모두 초기화

Allow to run outdated plugins

Add page to this folder[add URL of current tab to bookmarks folder]

Show tip for playing video in popup window[show the video popup toolbar]

브라우저 재시작

Use custom background color for web pages

Switch to last visited tab

Play this video in a popup window

Enlarge this video to entire web page area

Download this video with online tools

Navigate to settings page

Close the tip window for current tab

Custom stylesheet[custom.css in User Data directory]

임의 스타일시트 불러오기

캐쉬 데이터 경로 선택

임의 스타일시트 파일 선택

선택한 기본 저장경로에 이미지를 빠르게 저장

빠른 이미지 저장

빠른 이미지저장 활성화(Alt+LeftClick으로 빠른저장, Alt+RightClick으로 수동저장)


Simulate Boss Key

이 경로에 접근할 권한이 없습니다

저장 후 열기

Clear used directories

파일 링크:

파일 이름:

Save to:

Download with EnagleGet

Download all links with EagleGet

기본 다운로더:


다른이름으로 저장

다운로드 에러

Failed to launch EagleGet, please check the installation or change default downloader.

Use single extension process[let all extensions ahre the same directory]

Suggestions and Feedback

검색 엔진 추가...

Show default search engines only in context menu

새 탭 페이지

검색박스 보기

Number of thumbnail rows:

Number of thumbnail columns:

이미지 저장됨

경로 열기

웹 페이지 제목을 이미지 이름으로 지정하기

시작시 명령어 인수:

항상 위에 활성/비활성

새 탭 버튼 이미지:

새 탭 위치

Next to current tab

Next to current tab group

At end of all tabs

슈퍼 드래그

슈퍼 드래그 작동내역 보기

전경탭에서 열기/검색탭을 생성

배경탭에서 열기/검색탭을 생성

현재 링크 즐겨찾기에 추가

현재 링크 다운로드

검색 설정 변경

검색 막대 보이기[show a separate search box at right of location bar]

인터넷익스플로어 코어 활성화

IE 코어 도메인을 자동으로 전환하기

IE 코어 도메인 리스트

인터넷 익스플로어 코어로 전환

크롬 코어로 전환

다운로드 버튼 보이기

Stop and mark as finished[stop downloading a file]

Show QR button in location bar

Currently opened tabs[currently opened tab list]

Add new dial[dial means the thumbnail item in Most Popular page]

Edit this dial

Pin this dial

Unpin this dial

Remove this dial

Reset this dial

Reset all dials


Confirm reseting dial

Are you sure to reset this dial to xxx.com?

Are you sure to reset all dials?



이미지 주소:

선택된 항목 열기

마지막 사용된 폴더 기억

북마크바에 사이트 파비콘만 표시

보고있는 화면 이미지로 저장하기

현재 탭 제목과 주소 복사

링크 텍스트 복사

텍스트와 주소복사

다운로드 목록

Use temporary directory for "Save and Open" items

가속 활성화[enable keyboard shortcuts]

업데이트 확인

Use current user's credentials to encrypt passwords and cookies

On left side

On right side

On both sides

음소거/해제 현재 탭

새로운 다운로드 추가[add a new downloading task]

이 확장프로그램 비활성화

클립보드에 저장된 주소 열기

음소거 끄기/켜기 버튼 보이기

새로운 탭 페이지 저장

모든 브라우저 음소거/해제

새로운 탭 설정 확인

Are you sure to change new tab page to:

Toggle browser mute state

Use tab list menu to manage tabs[the tip message for the black triangle button]

왼쪽 클릭으로 탭 선택

가운데 버튼을 눌러 탭 불러오기 중지

오른쪽 클릭으로 탭 닫기

탭 목록 메뉴 보기

탭 목록 저장

PDF로 저장

Mute all browsers when boss key pressed

Remember position of video popup window

최고 인기

최고 인기보기

최다 방문보기

Pinned tabs can only be closed by context menu

Can be empty.

다운로드 재시도

탭을 새창으로 열기

시스템 DPI 설정 무시하기

Prompt me when current website needs IE

이 웹사이트는 인터넷 익스플로어가 필요합니다

인터넷 익스플로어 도메인 리스트 추가

인터넷 익스플로어 도메인 리스트 제거

북마크메뉴 보이기

가운데 버튼으로 붙여넣기

비디오 녹화

Default directory for video recording:

비디오 녹화 시작

비디오 녹화 일시정지

비디오 녹화 중지

Continue recording after video autoplay

Select default directory for video recording

배경 이미지 사용[use background image for nw tab]



View certificate

경로가 존재하지 않습니다

플래시 플레이어를 샌드박스에서 실행

다운로드가 완료되면 알림[play sound when downloading task finished]

Enable suggestions in the address bar

선택한 텍스트를 무조건 클립보드(복사)에 수납

스크린샷 버튼 보이기

Left click to capture normally.

Right click to hide the browser window and capture.

Open default startup page[open default URL when the browser launches]

Show tab bar at the bottom of browser window

선택한 텍스트로 찾기

자동 업데이트가 완료되면 알림보이기

Upgraded to[notify users which version has been upgraded to]

Open link in new multilogin tab

Open in new multilogin tab

로고 검색

이전 페이지로 이동[used when browsing forum posts]

다음 페이지로 이동[used when browsing forum posts]

RE: Translate English into Korean - Admini - 10-03-2017

Thanks very much, Megaton_Kor.
It is lots of work.

RE: Translate English into Korean - Admini - 01-01-2018

There are new strings need translation, thank you and Happy New Year.
Content in [] is explanation, need no translation.

Search for logo[a button for searching new tab dial logo when there is no builtin one]

Go to previous page[Go to previous page in the forum page list]

Go to next page[Go to next page in the forum page list]

Force links to open in the background[when clicking a link, force it to be opened in background tab instead of foreground one]

XXX is already assigned to YYY[XXX and YYY are placeholder]

XXX is not a valid shortcut

Disable mouse gesture in these domains[disable mouse gesture for some special websites]

Go to the home page of the website[e.g.:For http://aaa.yahoo.com/news/2017-12-30.html, it will go to http://aaa.yahoo.com/]

Open the current URL in multilogin tab

Add to most popular[add URL of the current tab to the speed dial items(most popular) in the new tab page]

Send current URL via Email[send URL of the current tab via default Email application]

A file with the same name exists, would you like to overwrite it?

Download directory doesn't exist and can't be created.[the folder for saving download files doesn't exist]

Use multiple search engines in the address bar[display multiple search engine in the location bar suggestion list]

Search selected text in the current website

Exit the browser

When middle clicking on tab[an option to set the behavior of tab middle clicking]

Close  tab

Reload  tab

Unload  tab[discard tab]

Take screenshot[start screen capture]

Kill tab

Failed to create or write into target directory.

Focus the first text field[put the first <input type="text"> element into view port and set focus to it]

Show tab menu

XXX is already assigned to YYY. Are you sure you want to reassign?

Customize keyboard shortcuts for this browser

Are you sure you want to reset all keyboard shortcuts?


By clicking on "Accept and Install" you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

By clicking "Install" you understand and acknowledge that you are choosing to install CentBrowser on your system and you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Duplicate tab

Show bookmarks menu when the mouse hovers within 100 pixels from the left edge of the browser window for 1000 milliseconds, and close automatically when the mouse is out for 1000 milliseconds

Disable mouse gesture on this site

Enable mouse gesture on this site

Prompt me when browsing data is too large

Prompt me when browsing data is larger than 1000 MB

Download this video

Download completed

Show tab list button[the black triangle button at end of tab bar]

Toggle mute by clicking audio indicator button

Maximum bookmark button width(px):

Start finding with selected text on the page[whether to search the selected text directly when users press Ctrl+F]

Tab bar scroll speed

The cache size has reached 2048 MB. Clear now?

When clicking audio indicator button on the tab[the policy for clicking the sound icon on the tab]

Toggle site muting[toggle mute state for all tabs of the same website]

Toggle tab muting[toggle mute state for the clicked tab only]

Top sites[Collection of popular sites]

Image URL

Are you sure you want to reset all shortcuts?[Warning when resetting new tab items]

Refresh background image[Change the background image for another one]

Select a folder




Add to new tab shortcuts[Add the URL of tab to the new tab items]

Disable Bookmarks and History suggestions in the address bar[Remove Bookmarks and History items from address bar suggestion list]

Hotkeys[System level keyboard shortcuts]

Enable taking screenshot

Restart in safe mode[Shutdown the browser and start it again under safe mode]

Dark mode policy[title of dark mode option]

Open all bookmarks by middle-clicking the bookmarks folder[When middle-clicking any bookmarks folder, open all bookmarks inside it]

Hide the browser window and take screenshot

Import  passwords

Export  passwords

Insert new bookmarks at the top of the folder[New bookmarks appear at the top instead of at the bottom(by default)]

Open/Search in new foreground multilogin tab[Open a link or search selected text in multilogin tabs, these are Super Drag actions]

Open/Search in new background multilogin tab

Copy page as image[Copy entire web page as PNG image to the clipboard]

Copied to clipboard

New multilogin tab to the right[Open a multilogin tab at the right of the current tab, right clicking on the tab will show this menu]

Move current tab to new window[Move the current tab to a standalone browser window using drag or shortcut keys]

Go to download page[For example you downloaded a zip file from aaa.com/bbb.html, then this will open aaa.com/bbb.html]

Disable Bookmarks suggestions in the address bar[When you type in the address bar, don't give out any suggestions related to your Bookmarks]

Disable History suggestions in the address bar

Let the web page handle keyboard shortcuts on these domains[Keystrokes are always handled by the website itself, the browser window doesn't handle them]

Always open URL in the current tab if it is new tab[If the current tab is chrome://newtab/, always use the current tab to load URL, ignore all tab options]

Jump to the address bar[Focus the location bar, like what F6 does]

Global shortcut keys[System-wide shortcuts, for example: F1, WIN+R, Ctrl+Shift+Delete]

Enable shortcut for taking screenshot

Enable shortcut for hiding the browser window and taking screenshot

Please enter full path of the destination directory.[Needs absolute paths, relative paths are not allowed here]

Overwrite the existing file by default

Toggle  caret  browsing[Toggle what F7 does]

Open URL in new multilogin tab when the current tab is multilogin tab[If the current tab is multilogin tab, opened tabs will be always multilogin tabs, whatever they are opened from bookmarks, location bar, links, etc.]

Reload all unpacked extensions[A feature used for extension]

Show tab scrolling buttons

It is not allowed to download videos from this website

Downloading ...

Failed to download

Failed to download video clip

Converting ...

Failed to convert downloaded file

Failed to write file

Cancelling ...

Record this video

I am the owner/maintainer of this website

Skip and continue

separated by commas or spaces

Download  dialog[The following 11 items are the names of some UI components, just translate straightly]

Download  dialog - URL field

Download  dialog - file name field

Download  dialog - saved folder list

Video popup tool window

Download bubble dialog

Video download dialog

Show side panel button

Screenshot Button

Mute Toggle Button

Download  Button

Probing    [Note: detecting resources]

Failed to probe AAA    [Note: AAA is a placeholder, leave it as is]

Enable custom URL in incognito mode    [Note: this is an option for the new tab, chrome://settings/cbNewTab]

Clear browsing data automatically after closing multilogin tabs

Force links to open in the current tab    [Note: always navigate in the current tab when clicking on any hyperlink]

Copy selected text and current tab URL    [Note: "current tab URL" means the URL of the current tab]

Clear for multilogin tabs    [Note: this is a string in the "Clear browsing data"(Ctrl+Shift+Delete) dialog]