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[bug ? suggestion ?] mega.co.nz stupid download system |
Posted by: badablek - 01-28-2019, 06:45 PM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions
- Replies (3)
Hi CentBrowser team,
today, when checking the size of my CentBrowser appdata, I had a heart attack when I saw that mine was above 4GB, even if all the caches (Cache, GPUCache) are DISABLED in this folder ! After some research, mega.co.nz writes files to a temporary folder before copying it to the download folder (what perturbed mind can imagine dumb features like that ?), and, of course, the temporary data is not flushed away when download is finished
Question is : Is there anything I can do to STOP that bullshit ? Can I use any flag to block that stupid behavior ?
I don't want to be forced to clean my AppData\Local\CentBrowser\User Data\Default\File System folder every time I use mega.
This behavior of Chrome/Chromium is well known since 2015 (I didn't know until now for my part)...it seems nothing has changed since then, which makes me wonder if anything can be done.
I'm using a ramdisk (z:\) for all temporary folders, to take care of my SSD, of course CB is set to NOT use any temporary folder in my Appdata folder (Cache,GPUCache, etc.), but all my efforts are killed, thanks to Mega.
my command lines : --disable-gpu-program-cache --disable-gpu-shader-disk-cache --disk-cache-dir=z:\temp
Thank you for reading ! If you have any clue to solve this, feel free to tell me, if it's not :
- do NOT use mega.co.nz
- use extension "x" or "y" to automatically clear your cache
- manually clear your cache
I'd like to find a NATIVE way to AVOID it BEFORE it happends (a flag or command-line would be wonderful)
or maybe I can use Jdownloader or any other Downloader manager ? (not the official mega client, I don't want to install that to download some files, sometimes)
Verzögerung beim Download |
Posted by: MaxThen - 01-27-2019, 08:51 AM - Forum: Deutsches Forum
- Replies (3)
Habe ein Problem, dass sich schon seit mehreren Cent Versionen hinzieht. Wenn ich was anklicke zum Herunterladen, dauert es sehr lange bis das Fenster-Dialog erscheint. Selbst wenn die Datei nur einige kb gross ist. Wenn ich Cent Browser über "safemode.bat" starte, funktioniert es einwandfrei. Doch liegt das Problem bei den Einstellungen von Cent oder kommt es von irgendeiner Erweiterung ?
Version (Offizieller Build) (32-Bit) (portable) (Chromium 70.0.3538.110)
BUG in Version with youtube and private tabs? |
Posted by: mc0134 - 01-21-2019, 07:22 AM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions
- Replies (1)
I have the latest version (BETA) installed.
I just tried opening youtube in a private tab and it works fine, can play videos. Then I opened a new private tab and went to youtube on the just opened 2nd private tab and the browser just crashes (Cent browser just disappears after 2nd private tab is opened to youtube and I have to relaunch it again) Sometimes it seems like going to the youtube homepage shows the problem, sometimes it seems like going to youtube and managing to open a video on the 2nd private tab shows the issue.
Don't know how many people actually would open videos like that but nonetheless, I just came across the issue and it's still a problem that should be looked at (whether it's just my computer doing it or it's actually something that the browser needs to be fixed, don't know either).
Maybe it affects other sites too, I have no idea too.
Как перейти на 64bit версию? |
Posted by: ARRA - 01-20-2019, 09:28 PM - Forum: Русский Форум
- Replies (5)
Давно скачал портативную версию, оказалось, она была на 32bit, чего я не заметил. Сейчас увидел в истории изменений, что можно скачать версию на 64bit.
Как я могу перенести все настройки с портативной 32bit на портативную 64bit?
И есть ли в этом хоть какой-то смысл? Или разницы не будет между 32 и 64?