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Lightbulb Search box should use search engine settings
Posted by: tanquang - 01-20-2025, 03:22 AM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (6)

When I enable the "Show search box" option in "New tab page", it will always use some default search engine instead of the search engines I have installed and set as default:

[Image: 8vKWm5w.png]

Even removing these search engines in chrome://settings/searchEngines it still doesn't get removed from the search box and my default search engine still isn't used if I do a search using the search box.

I hope the update to the search box will only use the search engines that the user has installed and set as default, instead of always using these default search engines.

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Bug Bug report: "Add new download" button not working
Posted by: tanquang - 01-13-2025, 09:46 AM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (4)

When clicking the "Add new download" button, nothing happens:

- Version 5.1.1130.129 (Official Build) (32-bit) (Chromium 118.0.5993.159)

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  As the number of downloads increases, chromium starts behaving badly
Posted by: Bong - 01-12-2025, 06:40 PM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (17)

I use plug-ins that can be used to download all the pdfs, images, mpgs, ... in a web tree.  This can lead to a large number of downloads when I don't specify a good pattern.  As the number of downloads goes up, clearing the download data takes longer and longer as does shutting down and starting up (I started Cent and it took 23 minutes before I could actually use the browser).  I have seen this behavior in other chromium-based browsers so I think it is a fault in the chromium engine.  

My question/enhancement would be to have a limit to the number of items in the download area where as a download is added to the history file, the oldest download is removed if there are more than the limit.

I am using version 5.1.1130.129 of Cent.

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  Сохранение всех настроек браузера
Posted by: nok - 01-09-2025, 03:06 PM - Forum: Русский Форум - Replies (5)

Здравствуйте! Нужно переустановить windows и хочется сохранить все настройки данного браузера. То есть закладки, расширения, внешний вид. Подскажите, что нужно для этого сделать? Папку какую то сохранить? 

Hello! I need to reinstall Windows and I want to save all the settings of this browser. That is, bookmarks, extensions, appearance. Tell me what I need to do for this? Save some folder?

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Information Minimized version
Posted by: tanquang - 01-09-2025, 10:51 AM - Forum: General Discuss - Replies (9)

CentBrowser is built with a lot of new features added. However, not all features are "really useful" and widely used.
Therefore, I hope that, in addition to the 2 default Installer and Portable versions, there will be a "Minimized" version as follows:

  1. Remove "Mouse Gesture" feature.
  2. Remove "Super Drag" feature.
  3. Remove "Fast Save Image" feature.
  4. Remove "Custom CSS" feature.
  5. Remove "Hotkeys" (not Shortcuts) feature.
  6. Retains default Browsing, Bookmarks and Tab Options behavior like Google Chrome (very useful if you want to migrate from Google Chrome to CentBrowser).
Having too many features and changing default behaviors can be useful, but it's generally quite "overwhelming" and difficult to approach for users who are new to or don't need those features (since they're also enabled by default).

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Bug Bug Report: Browser task manager preferences data lost/reset
Posted by: tanquang - 01-09-2025, 10:10 AM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (7)

Describe the bug
Some settings data in browser task manager is lost/reset after closing task manager/restarting browser.

To Reproduce

1. Open the browser's task manager (shortcut Shift + ESC)
2. Enable/Disable a column(s) you want to see: The columns will now be arranged IN ORDER WHEN ENABLED.
3. Adjust the size of the columns (depending on your preferences).
4. Close the browser's task manager or restart the browser
5. Reopen the browser's task manager: The columns will be sorted IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR IN THE COLUMN ENABLE/DISABLE OPTIONS LIST and the column widths will be reset (according to some rule).

Expected behavior
Column order and column width are kept as previously customized.

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Lightbulb Feature Request: Remove Google Hangouts and no build-in extensions
Posted by: tanquang - 01-09-2025, 09:41 AM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (4)

When checking in chrome://system/#extensions, I see that the browser comes with 3 built-in extensions:

[Image: NV8BcN2.jpeg]

  1. Web Store: It appears to be used to install extensions from the Chrome Web Store, although it is not necessary for most of the time when using the browser.
  2. Chromium PDF Viewer: View PDF files directly in the browser, which is sometimes quite useful.
  3. Google Hangouts: Almost never used.

It can be seen that only 2 extensions are used, Web Store (rarely) and Chromium PDF Viewer (sometimes), while Google Hangouts is almost never used, even when using Google Hangouts on https://hangouts.google.com, this extension is not necessary.

Some other browsers like Supermium (removed), Thorium (will remove in next update) this extension. So I hope CentBrowser will also remove Google Hangouts, because it is useless and has no need to exist.

As for the other two extensions, Web Store and Chromium PDF Viewer, while Chromium PDF Viewer is occasionally useful, while Web Store is rarely used, it is not necessary to have it built-in, always enabled, and start up with the browser. These extensions can be installed as regular extensions, allowing users to disable/remove them if they are not used.

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  Мультимедийная клавиатура
Posted by: Musika - 01-08-2025, 11:18 PM - Forum: Русский Форум - Replies (2)

С Новым Годом!
У меня мультимедийная клавиатура Logitech.
В версии 5.0.1002.354 (Официальная сборка), (64 бит) (Portable) (Chromium 102.0.5005.167) - все мультимедийные клавиши работают, как положено, а
в версии 5.1.1130.129 (Официальная сборка), (64 бит) (Portable) (Chromium 118.0.5993.159) - на работают .. (имею ввиду в YouTube).
Можно ли как-то отрегулировать?

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  Disable Youtube PIP in the Cent Browser
Posted by: Jakov93 - 01-08-2025, 04:38 AM - Forum: General Discuss - Replies (1)

How to disable pip for Youtube?
I followed these steps in AI but didn't fix it

To disable YouTube Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in Cent Browser, follow these steps:
Method 1: Disable PiP from YouTube
  1. Right-click twice on the video:
    • This opens the context menu where "Picture-in-Picture" appears.
    • If PiP is enabled, close the small PiP window by clicking the "X" or stopping it.
  2. Disable the PiP option:
    • Some videos automatically enable PiP. Ensure it's not enabled manually from the browser.

Method 2: Disable PiP via Chrome/Browser Flags
Cent Browser is Chromium-based, so you can adjust its behavior via Chrome Flags:
  1. Open Cent Browser and type
    into the address bar.
  2. Search for
  3. Disable these flags (if available):
    • Code:
      Enable Picture-in-Picture
    • Code:
      Enable the Picture-in-Picture Web API
  4. Restart the browser to apply the changes.

Method 3: Use an Extension to Block PiP
You can use browser extensions to control or disable PiP functionality:
  1. Search for an extension in the Chrome Web Store, such as "Disable Picture-in-Picture."
  2. Install and configure the extension to block PiP.

Method 4: Block PiP Through Settings (If Available)
Cent Browser may have specific settings to manage video playback:
  1. Go to the browser settings.
  2. Navigate to
    Privacy and Security
    Site Settings
  3. Look for
    Media autoplay
    settings and turn them off.


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  Bug with playing video in popup window
Posted by: Archer - 01-05-2025, 08:15 PM - Forum: Bugs & Suggestions - Replies (3)

When I switch any videos to popup window and then switch it back, the interface disappears.
This issue is managed by reloading the page.

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