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UI Layout for the browser's top chrome
(03-21-2019, 04:19 AM)Klaipedaville Wrote: I just do not understand it why are the developers so stubborn? When people ask to bring it back or to create a new one that would look exactly the same as the chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md why do use every possible and impossible excuse to refuse it? Don't have enough skills or experience to do it? If you carry on like that you will be the only ones using your "perfect" features and there are going to be no any other users / customers at all. It looks like you develop it for yourselves and for own convenience only and do not care about the others at all.

I have no words except : YOU ARE NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE.
what YOU want is not what EVERYBODY wants. Deal with it, this is the real life...Not adding stuff YOU want is not like "you do not care about the others at all", but only "you do not care about ME at all", which is not exactly the same  Rolleyes

CentBrowser team is listening carefully (I don't think you can give me any other team doing the same), but adding/keeping one little thing that could break everything (because CB is based on Chromium, every new feature can be hard to add, and can break other things), only for a few people asking for it, is a too heavy task for so little benefits.

We can make the browser mostly as we want with all those extensions available, isn't it enough ?
The "Now" generation should be thankful for all the hard work the team is making, FOR FREE, without counterparts, instead of being so selfish...

my 2 cents on the subject, as an "anonymous" user (since a long time) of this wonderful browser.
YES, some changes were hard to understand/accept, but I wouldn't leave my preferred browser for anything else.

In other words, thanks Centbrowser team !

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RE: UI Layout for the browser's top chrome - by badablek - 03-21-2019, 06:54 PM

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