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[Bug] Startup Tabs in Wrong Order [SOLVED]
running latest Cent  32 bit. windows 7 64 bit.

in setting, startup, open specific....i set 4 pages in a specific order.

when I start cent, the order is incorrect. I've tried removing all 4....then open them in order manually and "use current pages" to set them.

update - i figured out the issue. This happens because i have: setting, tab options, new tab position set as "next to current tab".

If i set to "at end of all tabs", then it works as it should, in order I selected.

These 2 options should NOT interact with each other. I should be able to have my startup in any order i want, regardless of how i treat new tabs. Please fix....startup order would take priority over "new tab location" on actual startup!

Also, how about allowing order change within startup, open set of pages, so i don't have to manually order all. I should be able to "lift" the icon or url to reorder it on the fly...would be a nice to have. thanks....


Messages In This Thread
[Bug] Startup Tabs in Wrong Order [SOLVED] - by jeffhere - 11-12-2018, 05:50 PM
RE: [Bug] Startup Tabs in Wrong Order - by Admini - 11-13-2018, 04:40 PM
RE: [Bug] Startup Tabs in Wrong Order - by Admini - 11-15-2018, 03:45 PM

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