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New Tab is not really a tab !
Why is it called a tab, looks like a tab, managed like a tab ...

BUT does not obey the following rules common to all tabs ?
  • Open bookmarks in ..
  • Open home page in ..
  • Open search result in ..
  • Open typed URL in ..
  • Open clipboard contents in .......... New foreground tab ?!
Why is this important to me ?
I use it as a "separator" between sessions and tasks !) Here's an example:

I launched my browser and see New Tab. I have 3 tabs left from yesterday (on the left). I don't need them now.
I performed any action from the list above, studied it, close everything with gestures and ...
I get to yesterday's tab ! Why do I need this ?!

To distract me ?
To steal my time (rendering) ?
To steal my traffic and energy ?

After all, I just wanted to go back to where I started, and most of the transitions I make from New Tab !
Why should I open that fucking new tab again ?!

I examined half of the Internet and tried a dozen extensions, but I still couldn't overcome this idiocy.

Please, help !
I think many would like to be able to customize her behavior.

( She does not deserve to be called New Tab - this is the fiend of hell !)

Do you mean that the New Tab is always forced to be occupied when you open a new URL?
This is for taking care of the user habit of some old Chromium browsers.
I greet you ! Thank you for sheltering after the Firefox crash a couple of years ago !

I like many, such simple users do not have habits regarding browsers - I have always used the best that is available, focusing on portable and bringing them to perfection !)

I did both Opera (presto) and CoolNovo and Firefox .. and in the end I am here, not at all regretting, thanks to even more advanced gestures than in FF !

(Of course, all the developments are available, because to make beautifully is a great job and history !)

Please help, if possible !

Maybe it's easy to defeat this fucking NTab strategy and move it to the settings, or is it better to lower it to a tab ?
I'll be happy ! And of course, everyone who hasn't even checked in here!

All the best, handsome osminogig !) sry "english" !)

I sent my version of the browser to the admin, so that I didn't consider it a chatterbox !)
Yes, I am a perfectionist, but it changes almost nothing !))
Just middle click everything, always goes to a foreground tab!
Unfortunately, middle click always resulted in a background tab opening.
But this is not discussed here, but more global things, sorry.
Admin, do it if possible and I will be your Russian slave !)

And users will find freedom !

Why don't you make ready-made browsers for money ?

Can I do this ?
Well we will consider adding an option for this.
Admin, please resolve this misunderstanding, maybe in the form of a setting or hard - otherwise we will not move anywhere !

I write Russian correctly like no one else ! Contact me - I am your slave !

New Tab should become a tab !
For fun :
(02-04-2021, 01:17 PM)osminogig Wrote: Admin, please resolve this misunderstanding, maybe in the form of a setting or hard - otherwise we will not move anywhere !

I write Russian correctly like no one else ! Contact me - I am your slave !

New Tab should become a tab !
We will add an option for you in the next version.

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